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Vertitruss rigging equipment

Vertitruss is a German company that develops products specifically aimed at rigging and in particular handy couplers, baseplates etc. One luminous tool - a kind of egg of Columbus actually - is the PinClaw. It allows you to insert and remove pins in a truss noiselessly and with relatively little force. At the same time, it is a hammer that allows you to insert pins when noise is not a critical factor.

The Vertitruss PinClaw is a super handy tool (that no one came up with that before?!?) that we enthusiastically offer to our customers, as it makes building and dismantling truss significantly easier.

Vertitruss* Vertitruss PinClaw | hammer | truss pin remover
Vertitruss PinClaw | hammer | truss pin remover
The Vertitruss PinClaw allows you to insert and remove the pins of a truss noiselessly and with relatively little force. At the same time, it is a hammer that allows you to insert pins when noise is not a critical factor.
Vertitruss* | 1031