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Blinders, also called audience abusers

Fixtures that can be directed at the audience, either to illuminate the audience from the stage or to dazzle the audience for a short time as an effect during a spectacular show.

Theatrical highlight

You see them most often when during a dramatic climax at a performance, concert or show. It generally creates a scare effect, so it is not in itself a pleasant experience for spectators, but it is a rock-solid support for a theatrical climax.

Walk-in and walk-out

They can also be used outdoors at festivals as you might in a hall with hall lights. The performers then get a good view of the audience and - if used in moderation - it could also provide some extra light during the entrance and exit.

LED blinds

Nowadays, LED luminaires also provide enough light output to be used as blinders. ROXX's blinders, depending on the configuration, even deliver ±20,000 or 40,000lm per unit. These units can be coupled without tools when flown or stacked. They also feature amber drift: the colour temperature goes down when dimmed. This faithfully mimics the behaviour of luminaires with a filament.

Full-colour blinders

Besides the warm-white versions with 2 or 4 lamps per luminaire, with a light output of 20,000lm and 40,000lm respectively, both are also available as full-colour versions, with not only amber shift but the full colour palette of RGBA LED.


ROXX | 13305001 | Cluster S2 | hybrid strobe / blinder / pixelmapper / wash
Very powerful blinder based on two full-colour LED luminaires of 260W each. Up to 20,000lm light output. Features very convenient options to couple fixtures both standing and hanging. With natural amber drift.